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Chapter Meeting January: Diversity and Inclusion Begins with the Hiring Process

  • 01/18/2023
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • The Diamond Grill, 924 3rd St, Alexandria, LA 71301


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    Members w/ LATE RSVP's this date are $30 for members and their guests. $35 for no RSVP and non-members and their guests.
  • Cancelations allowed no later than the Sunday before the meeting.

    RSVP's after this date are $30 for members and their guests. $35 for non-members and their guests.
  • No penalty for late RSVP.
  • No cancelations allowed.

    Non-Members w/ LATE RSVP's this date are $35 for members and their guests. $40 for no RSVP and non-members and their guests.
  • Cancelations allowed no later than the Sunday before the meeting.

    RSVP's after this date are $30 for members and their guests. $35 for non-members and their guests.

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Join us for our 2023 kick-off meeting "Diversity and Inclusion Begins with the Hiring Process" by Connie R. Cooper, Chief Diversity Officer at LSUA.

Our Speaker

Connie R. Cooper Chief Diversity Officer/Director of the Office of DEI for Louisiana State University at Alexandria.  

Appointed by Chancellor Paul Coreil in 2021, Connie Cooper serves as Chief Diversity Officer and Director of the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (OoDEI) at LSUA. In this capacity, Connie oversees the administration of diversity programming, initiatives and services that support retention, matriculation and graduation with a focus on underrepresented populations. A consultant for senior leadership and liaison with colleges, departments and professional units, she creates strategies that support recruitment and retention of faculty and staff.

Connie identifies priorities and measures institutional effectiveness at achieving a diverse and inclusive environment through data collection to drive decisions that impact the university. As the equal employment opportunity and affirmative action coordinator, she is responsible for compliance with federal and state anti-discriminatory laws and regulations and the first point of contact for grievances related to discrimination. She is also a Title IX Confidential Advisor.

The philosophy that guides Connie’s work is organizations can only thrive if employees have equity and equal access to resources and opportunities to achieve success as the authentic version of themselves which can only happen when DEI conversations are occurring continuously with action and accountability. Her passion for DEI work and diversity education stem from being taught the importance of education, service, sense of community and the principles of social justice at an early age.

Tasked with constructing the new OoDEI, Connie’s leadership has resulted in the founding of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Leadership Team, formation of the Diversity Training Team, successful completion of diversity training by all full time LSUA employees, establishment of Search Committee Guiding Principles, impact on recruitment and retention of students, faculty and staff and development of training workshops for internal and external groups and organizations. In addition to her role as Chief Diversity Officer Connie is a member of the Chancellor’s Cabinet, General’s Relief Fund Committee and Vice President for the Staff Senate.

Prior to her service at LSUA, Connie served as Chief Executive Officer for an international affordable housing non-profit for twelve years. In that capacity, she developed affordable housing solutions that led to the revitalization of inner city neighborhoods and homeownership for low to moderate income families.

Connie earned her B.A. from LSUA and M.Ed. from the University of Phoenix. She is a former member of the LSU System Board of Supervisors having been appointed by former Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco. In addition, she is a member of the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education, American Association of Blacks in Higher Education and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.

The recipient of many awards, Connie’s greatest accomplishment is being a mother to her son Jeremy.

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